28 May is German Diversity Day

For the twelfth time, Diversity Day will take place in Germany on 28 May 2024. Diversity Day was called to life by the non-profit association Charta der Vielfalt and is an annual, nationwide day of action that calls on organizations to celebrate diversity and raise social awareness about it. Gemino signed the association’s Diversity Charter in 2022 and will participate in Diversity Day with the following activity:

As part of the German Diversity Day, our Diversity Team is organizing a workshop on the topic of “unconscious bias” for all interested Gemino employees.

The term unconscious bias refers to associations we hold towards certain people or groups based on stereotypes which we are unaware of. This can lead to discrimination. There are many everyday examples of unconscious bias and probably almost everyone has already displayed it.

We are taking the time on Diversity Day to discuss this topic on the basis of a video, first and foremost to raise awareness. The aim of this workshop is for everyone to question their mindsets and themselves in this regard.

Lisa Polster and Linda Höhnel oversee the implementation of the Diversity Charter at Gemino.

All initiatives by organizations on the occasion of Diversity Day can be found here.