
Reliable translation processes with (or despite) AI?

Artificial intelligence is ubiquitous. Many companies are quickly starting projects to find out whether it makes sense to integrate AI in their own business processes. The expectations are high: The benefits of automation, quicker workflows, and more economic efficiency are enticing. At Gemino, we’ve already come a long way on...
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How to select a translation memory system

Precision and patience pay off when you’re looking for the right translation memory system (TMS) for your company. The challenge The perfect enterprise TMS solution does not exist and, in our opinion, cannot exist. The requirements of the stakeholders involved are too varied. The framework conditions and strategic goals of...
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28 May is German Diversity Day

For the twelfth time, Diversity Day will take place in Germany on 28 May 2024. Diversity Day was called to life by the non-profit association Charta der Vielfalt and is an annual, nationwide day of action that calls on organizations to celebrate diversity and raise social awareness about it. Gemino...
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Touching base – A brief interview with our employees

Five questions for Johann Schork, Head of Translation & QA Hello Johann! You are head of translation & QA at Gemino. What are the tasks of your team? „On the one hand, we take on core activities such as translation, revision, and terminology work. And we clarify off-the-cuff content-related and...
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Machine translation? Certainly. But securely!

Of course you would like to use machine translation. But the free tools available online don’t adequately protect your business-critical data. Providing the necessary licenses is also not easily feasible. On top of everything, there are budget constraints – and the IT department just doesn’t have time for this. Gemino...
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Gemino certified according to ISO 13485

Gemino’s ISO 13485 compliance complements our ISO 17100 and ISO 9001 certification, ensuring optimized processes and the highest quality with regard to MDR/IVDR requirements. Companies with medical technology products need to know that their multilingual content and translation processes comply with regulatory requirements. Gemino can ensure this thanks to its...
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Gemino at the MEDICA 2023 in Düsseldorf

The world’s largest medical technology trade fair MEDICA and the associated supplier trade fair COMPAMED are behind us. We can look back on busy days with interesting discussions at the trade fair. We gained many new experiences and got to know exciting trends. Gemino took part for the second time...
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Touching base – A brief interview with our employees

Five questions for Christine Schwartz-Ebrahimi, Head of Partner Management Hello Christine! You have been responsible for partner management for a year now. Which partners does Gemino work with? “We work with both freelancers and translation agencies that comply with the ISO 17100 quality standard. Due to our life science and...
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Translation for healthcare and life science: Gemino @ MEDICA 2023

The anticipation is rising: Gemino Language Services & Solutions is returning to MEDICA, the world’s largest medical trade show. This year, we will be part of the Forum Medtech Pharma association’s joint stand. Making multilingualism a success factor Multilingualism poses a complex challenge for companies operating internationally. This is particularly...
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Voiced by Darth Vader

Opportunities and limitations of speech synthesis Digital media is changing the way knowledge is transferred from pure text to images and spoken language. Because in many areas, spoken language is better suited for communicating content than pure text. Sounds good. But does it deliver? Especially for videos and e-learning, spoken...
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May 23 is German Diversity Day

For the eleventh time, Diversity Day will take place in Germany on May 23, 2023. Diversity Day was called to life by Charta der Vielfalt and is an annual, nationwide day of action that calls on organizations to celebrate diversity and raise social awareness about it. Gemino signed Charta der...
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Gemino develops Client Translation Portal web app

A new web application, Client Translation Portal (CTP), is being tested by Gemino. This web application will allow our clients to easily search existing specialized terminology and translation memories as well as to use machine translation for internal communication safely. The idea stems from our clients’ need to easily look...
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ISO 9001 and ISO 17100: Surveillance audit successfully completed

Gemino has successfully completed the annual DEKRA surveillance audit for ISO 9001 and ISO 17100. The DEKRA auditor once again gave us highly positive feedback on the company as a whole as well as specifically on the expertise of our employees and our impressive continuous-improvement culture. There were no complaints, only individual...
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Gemino exhibits at MEDICA 2022 in Düsseldorf

For the first time, Gemino had its own booth at MEDICA, the world’s largest medical trade fair. Four intensive trade fair days with many interesting technical discussions are behind us. More than 80,000 visitors and around 5000 exhibitors met in the exhibition halls in Düsseldorf from 14 to 17 November...
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Gemino @ MEDICA 2022

Gemino will have its own booth at MEDICA in Düsseldorf from 14 November to 17 November 2022. We are really looking forward to interesting conversations and meetings. With the increasing number of clients from the life science and medical technology sector, we have continuously expanded our specialization in this industry...
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Gemino plans ISO 13485 certification for Q1 2023

As more and more of our clients belong to the life science industry, we are well aware of the basic requirements of ISO 13485 and know which of these requirements apply to our processes and services. ISO 13485 certification is therefore the next logical step. This certification will ensure that the provisions...
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Gemino signs Charta der Vielfalt

Gemino has signed the Charta der Vielfalt, an employer initiative to promote diversity in companies and institutions. Gemino is committed to creating a work environment that is free of prejudice and guarantees the respect of all employees, regardless of age, ethnic origin and nationality, gender and gender identity, physical and...
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Gemino climate neutral in 2021

Climate neutrality and sustainable growth have always been very important to Gemino. With the help of Planetly, we calculated our carbon footprint at the beginning of 2022 in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG). For 2021, we offset 68 t of CO2 and received a certificate of climate neutrality...
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Meet Gemino at MEDICA 2021 in Düsseldorf

MEDICA is the world’s leading medical trade fair. It will be held this year from 15 to 18 November on-site in Düsseldorf and with an integrated online program. Due to early planning and the unclear COVID situation, we decided against having a booth this year. However, we will be there...
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Efficient in-country reviews – a question of knowledge

In-country reviews can be challenging to implement in translation processes: Are we talking about changes or corrections? What specifications apply? Who should be involved? And, above all, are they really necessary? Gemino has answers to these questions and this article will demonstrate how insights can be gained even from basic,...
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A good translation is a good translation is often a mistake

Thoughts on the much-used word “quality” and how ISO certifications help What is a “good” translation? One in accordance with ISO 17100 specifications? An incredibly fast one? An inexpensive one with few flaws? One that uses specific tools? One that also reflects the nuances of the source text? What does...
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The triangular semiotic monster

or A plea for contemporary terminology work So, you’re standing at the gas station vacuuming crumbs off the car floor and thinking to yourself: “This is easy, why do I always wait until I hit the car wash to do this? What I do instead is keep brushing crumbs off...
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Every time a document is updated, it can bring a whole slew of consequences, making the translation step both time-consuming and costly. It is possible, however, to minimize the risks involved in the multilingual translation of updated documents. Gemino understands the workflows required when translating updates and where the limits...
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Elia Together: virtual, and yet together

Last week the virtual Together Event of the European Language Industry Association (Elia) took place. Together is the only industry event specifically conceived as a joint event for both language service providers and freelance translators. Our Partner Manager Nina Kosel was thrilled, because organizers and participants managed to bring a...
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New job ads for our Berlin Office

We are currently looking for candidates for the following positions: Linguist*in für sprachübergreifende Qualitätssicherung Übersetzer*in für Marketing – Zielsprache KO, PL oder CZ Übersetzer*in für Marketing – Zielsprache DE Junior-Projektkoordinator*in DTP Specialist For more details please see here.

Interpreting without traveling long distances

COVID-19 currently affects almost all areas of our daily life, not least the way we work. Since the introduction of contact restrictions by the German government, at the latest, many people have switched to working from home and now carry out their tasks from a distance using the appropriate tools....
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New job ads for our Berlin Office

We are currently looking for candidates for the following positions: Linguist*in/Übersetzer*in für die französische Sprache Junior-Projektkoordinator*in DTP Specialist For more details please see here.

What’s going on behind the curtain?

This year, we attended the tekom conference as exhibitors for the fourth time in a row. And just as in previous years, attendees who weren’t yet familiar with our booth cast a lot of curious glances our way! Why? Because we once again invited thought-provoking visitors to join us for...
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Gemino has renewed its SCHEMA certification

In spring this year, Gemino renewed its SCHEMA certification as a translation service provider, having first acquired it in December 2014. Our certification measures mean that our clients can expect a high degree of accuracy and reliability. This is because they can of course rely on our 25-year expertise as...
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New job ads for our Berlin Office

We are currently looking for candidates for the following positions Übersetzer/in (Englisch-Deutsch)   DTP Specialist   Junior-Projektleiter/in For more details please see here.

Gemino @ tekom 2018

Thank you to everyone who visited our booth for your time and interest! Once again, we had many interesting discussions behind the string curtain plus a wonderful get-together to celebrate our 25th anniversary.

25 years of Gemino: good company and a wonderful celebration

On 14 September, we marked Gemino’s 25th anniversary together with friends and translation partners. Our Managing Director, Christian Schwendy, opened the celebration with a look back on the company’s history and some special acknowledgments. After that, the party began in earnest in the delightful ambiance of our Berlin venue. It...
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String Curtain-Up for: Gemino @ tekom 2018

After two successful tekom trade fair appearances, we’re returning this year with our unusual booth and hope to continue our “conversations behind the string curtain”. Once again, we’ll create a calm, comfortable retreat in the heart of the trade fair’s hustle and bustle – somewhere we can discuss matters over...
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How to keep marketing translations strictly marketing

A balancing act between creativity and reproducibility Global companies expect the translation of their marketing messages to be not only correct, but also culturally adapted and well formulated. This goes beyond pure technical translation and requires special cultural sensitivity, linguistic skill and, last but not least, creativity. In order to...
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Gemino is once again in Western Europe’s Top 40

For the second time in a row, we belong to the 40 largest language service providers in Western Europe. This is what emerges from the Who’s Who in Language Services and Technology: 2018 Rankings published by Common Sense Advisory, the independent market research institute. The success of our customers is...
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Strategy in the anniversary year 2018

This year our Berlin team met for the traditional ‘strategy day’ in the inspiring atmosphere of St. Oberholz in Berlin-Mitte, just a few minutes’ walk from our office. It may only be a minor change of location, but this was important to give grand ideas and thoughts more free space...
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