Gemino at the MEDICA 2023 in Düsseldorf

The world’s largest medical technology trade fair MEDICA and the associated supplier trade fair COMPAMED are behind us. We can look back on busy days with interesting discussions at the trade fair. We gained many new experiences and got to know exciting trends.

Gemino took part for the second time with its own stand – this time at the joint stand of the Forum MedTech Pharma e.V. As a relatively new member of the forum, we were also able to make new contacts with our co-exhibitors. We really enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere at the joint stand. The highlight was the traditional Bavarian Weisswurst sausage breakfast from Bayern Innovativ on the second day of the fair.

MEDICA represents an excellent opportunity for our consulting team to talk to potential customers. We spoke with visitors at our stand and with exhibitors at their stands over the four days of the trade fair.

What trends did we identify?

Major topics were digital transformation in the healthcare sector and networking supported by artificial intelligence (AI). AI met with great interest, especially in connection with multilingualism. The subject of AI translation tools came up frequently in conversations. Discussions with various partners revealed that Gemino can already offer various approaches and workflows for translation that enable the sensible and responsible use of AI. For example, when large volumes of text need to be translated in a short space of time to understand content. Under certain conditions, this would be difficult to impossible. Savings can also be realized in “normal operation” without adversely affecting quality or increasing risks – provided the appropriate processes are in place.

Certification of translation service providers (TSP) in accordance with the ISO 13485 standard for medical devices is also increasingly in demand. Especially if the TSP is classified as a critical supplier by the manufacturer’s notified body. In this context, we were able to point out that our ISO 13485 certification will be completed this year, according to current planning.

Three quarters of the visitors came to Düsseldorf from other countries according to MEDICA. Walking through the exhibition halls, it was clear that Asia in particular is a rapidly growing market for the life science industry. And we can confirm this impression: German medical device manufacturers are clearly striving to expand their market share in Asia. Their export ratio is currently just under 70 percent.

In summary

All in all, an exciting trade fair – the growing number of visitors and exhibitors shows that MEDICA is living up to its position as the most important medical trade fair in the world. Many thanks to the team of Forum MedTech Pharma e.V. and Bayern Innovativ for the pleasant time at the joint stand. We look forward to seeing everybody again next year!