Not a rigid set of rules: Guide to inclusive communication in German at Gemino

Gemino clearly positions itself in favor of inclusive thinking and language. The aim of this commitment is to help create an environment in which everyone feels welcome and valued.

Our Guide to inclusive communication in German at Gemino contributes to this. On the one hand, it delineates our position as a company on this issue and, on the other, it summarizes the established best practices for inclusive communication, which should serve as a guideline for all Gemino employees.

Language is not static or fixed for all time. As society evolves, language both shapes and reflects its development. That’s why our guide to inclusive communication at Gemino is not a rigid set of rules. It is intended to provide guidance and orientation. And it can also be used as a building block for your own guide.

We would be delighted if our guide to inclusive communication inspires or contributes to the discussion beyond Gemino. So please feel free to share it.

You can download our guide to inclusive communication in German at Gemino here.