Gemino TP

Gemino TP

Gemino TP allows your employees to use browser-based machine translation easily in compliance with data protection regulations. The distinct advantages: Everyone using this tool also has access to your company’s dictionaries and translation databases. They can log in easily via single sign-on (SSO) – designed in the style of your company’s corporate identity. And there is no need to set up company-wide infrastructure or make large initial investments.

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MT for your employees with data security
As a language service provider, we work closely with our clients. We frequently observe a need for the internal use of machine translation (MT) among our client’s employees – be it to understand the content of foreign-language documents and emails or to help them write their own emails, presentations, and documents in a foreign language.

The problem: MT services that are freely available on the Internet pose a major risk to data security, GDPR and the handling of business-critical information. For many companies, the data-protection and legal status of machine translation is also unclear. Without an alternative, MT use must be prohibited by corresponding company regulations or Internet access must be restricted by technical means. Gemino TP is the ideal solution in such situations.

How Gemino TP works
We provide your employees with full access to a cloud-based system for machine translation (DeepL, Microsoft Translator, etc.). There is no need to set up internal infrastructure. We facilitate the use of MT in your company while ensuring data security without major financial burden or organizational hurdles thanks to a transparent billing model.

Our web-based application for machine translations could not be easier to use – just a few clicks in the browser are all it takes: Copy sentences, paragraphs, chapters, or complete documents in pdf, docx, pptx or txt format into a text field. Select the target language – and you are done. The tool provides a translation.

The advantages

  • Utilization of machine translation – without having to set up the corresponding infrastructure yourself
  • Integration of defined company terminology via the termbases
  • Integration of translations via the translation memories
  • User interface adapted to your corporate identity
  • Easy access for all authorized employees via SSO (single sign-on)
  • Intuitive user interface, easy to use

The performance features

  • Utilization of machine translation within a clearly defined data-protection framework
  • Translation of copied or manually entered text
  • Translation of complete documents (pdf, docx, pptx, or txt)
  • Translation for all languages supported by the selected MT provider
  • Automatic suggestion of defined terminology from existing dictionaries (termbases)
  • Integration of existing translation databases
  • Easy access for all authorized employees via SSO (single sign-on)
  • User interface in German, English, and French (more languages possible)
  • User interface can be adapted to your corporate identity (logo, colors)
  • Integration of your own links for access to other thematically relevant services
  • Monthly billing (royalty) plus volume-based fee for machine translation

The technology behind Gemino TP

We connect the machine translation service that best suits your needs to Gemino TP in such a way that your data protection requirements are met technically with 100% certainty. These are currently DeepL or Microsoft Translator – two MT providers that achieve very good translation results and where contracts guarantee data will be processed on servers located in countries subject to GDPR.

The connection is made without any technical effort on your part: You tell us what security requirements you have and we offer you a contract model tailored precisely to your specifications involving the most suitable MT provider(s). The distinct advantages: The users in your company can also access the data in our translation systems.

We integrate your terminology and existing translations

The MT functionality is supplemented by the connection to our translation memory systems (TMS). This means that, for the first time, your employees can access existing linguistic assets while using AI translation tools. These assets include existing translations in the form of translation databases and existing dictionaries in the form of termbases, which we create for you as part of our translation services.

If someone in your company uses Gemino TP for machine translation or to look up an existing translation, the terms are searched in the termbase and displayed automatically. This makes it easier to use corporate terminology correctly and consistently in content that you create and translate yourself. SSO capabilities ensure current and future services in Gemino TP can be accessed seamlessly in compliance with IT regulations.

Gemino TP in practice