String Curtain-Up for: Gemino @ tekom 2018

After two successful tekom trade fair appearances, we’re returning this year with our unusual booth and hope to continue our “conversations behind the string curtain”. Once again, we’ll create a calm, comfortable retreat in the heart of the trade fair’s hustle and bustle – somewhere we can discuss matters over a good espresso.

We look forward to swapping ideas with you, in particular on our areas of focus:


You might already have pondered ways of ensuring adherence to a defined standard of linguistic quality in translation projects. Whether this is to meet quality management requirements, for example, or to monitor the development of costs and quality. Gemino has developed EVA# to answer these needs. It is a modular system which allows us to create a suitable package of key figures and reporting just for you. This new service allows clients with high quality requirements to evaluate the linguistic quality of translated texts independently.

Efficient terminology work

There’s no doubt about it: multilingual terminology work is a must. Yet the obstacles encountered in such work are often so great that, in the end, no terminology work is done at all. With TermCloud, straightforward company-wide terminology work is made possible, as with TermCloud everyone can look up terminology online – including staff members without a linguistic background.

Smart marketing translation processes

Marketing texts are rarely homogeneous, with advertorial texts often placed alongside technical facts and product details. We’ve developed a smart marketing translation process for just this purpose. Our analysis procedure enables us to classify technical and advertorial content and handle it accordingly. And it is our clients that benefit from translated content which has been specifically adapted, significantly enhancing efficiency.

Come and chat to us at the tekom annual conference, from November 13 to 15, 2018. If you can, please get in touch in advance to arrange a meeting – or simply drop by and visit us at booth 1/A05.

Eagerly awaiting you will be Christian Schwendy (Managing Director), Claudia Fricke and Sophie Stadtmann (both Translation & Localization Consulting).
